Sunday, January 24, 2010

... And then there were 3!

(gp: January 24, 2010)

The early morning light of day 7 before the start of the Great Gnome-out, the sponsors and committee were startled to see that we now have 3 contestants out on the ice.

The newest contestant appears to be legally on bare ice, as does both of our starters, but is definitely NOT of Gnomish descent. There were some murmurs in the gathering morning crowd of spectators over this, but a review of the Event Rules show that the new contestant is acceptable: "Any Gnome, Garden Animal, or similar entity may participate."

Our newest contestant is being officially classified as a "Garden Animal", and proves that they can come in all sizes, colors and varieties.

The 3rd contestant interview!

The Gnome-out's third contestant appears to be froggish in background. This reporter took immediate initiative to interview the newest contestant for our readership.

Reporter: "Good morning! We're surprised but happy to see you here today. Can you tell us your name?"

Contestant: "Ribbit"

Reporter: "Ahh... Ribbit! That's your name?"

Ribbit: "Ribbit"

Reporter: "...O.K.! Its Ribbit. What time did you arrive this morning? We were surprised to see you cleared your own spot on the ice"

Ribbit: "Ribbit"

Reporter: "Obviously a Ribbit of few words. Our readership would be interested to know some of your background - maybe where your home pond or lake is, how long it took you to get here, and so on."

Ribbit: "Ribbit"

Reporter: "Somehow I expected that answer. If you don't mind me asking, what is that thing you're carrying? It looks like some sort of metal flower. "

Ribbit: "Ribbit"

Reporter: "You don't say. Last question. If you lose this contest, what will you do next?"

Ribbit; "Croak"

Gerald Putzny for Gnome Press International


  1. I dont know is there an unfair advantage to being a frog. can he hop from ice floe to ice floe!! I think the rules need to be checked

  2. I think you just might be the first to CROAK !
