Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's a Snail

gp: February 15, 2010

A Snail is a snail is a snail.

Our 10th contestant is small, and has arrived with his own house. Attached.

At only 2 inches tall, this Garden Creature is invoking concern over his diminutive size. Little is known about this contestant, having slithered his way out onto the ice in time for the start of the Great Gnome-out, and subsequently been entered as a contestant, not a peep of communications has come from this fellow.

A certain amount of grumbling has been heard from some of the nearby contestants of the snail's ability to pull into his shell.

"Bet he's nice and warm in there" carped Jakemily Emiljaky, the nearest Gnome, as if he wasn't toting a butt-warming toadstool of his own.

Indeed, there was enough general hubbub out on the ice, that Great Gnome-out Committee Member Richard "Dick" Heade personally came out onto the ice. After a frustrating period of time attempting to communicate with the snail, Mr. Heade issued following statement:

"Sometimes a Snail is just a snail."

Et tu, escargot?

Gerald Putzney for Gnome Press International

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