Saturday, February 6, 2010

Buzz Fly-boy - The Gnational Equire Interview

By Victoria Dickenson - Gnational Enquire Investigative reporter

As apparently the Great Gnome-out's suck up reporter Gerald the Putz has fallen through the ice, it is one again up to the Gnational Equire and this reporter to bring you all the news.

This reporter was been hearing jet engines mixed with usual helicopters for days before the start of the Great Gnome-out. In dramatic fashion and with jet engine sounds, the subject of our interview came in for a landing the night of the kick off, leaving a trail of melted ice behind him.

After the gaggle of Judges and the Event committee had finally finished with our Gnome, and after this reporter was able to sneak back onto the grounds after the Event committee's ill-advised choice of a Gmedia blackout, we were able to get pictures and this thrilling interview.

Our Gnome is named "Buzz Fly-boy", and he's a military man.. er, Gnome. He has been flying high over head in his super duper stealth reconnaissance jet for several days scoping out the situation and deciding whether or not to commit to this competition. He apparently deemed it worthy enough of his talents as he is here!

Buzz was born at Elm Hollow Farm somewhere near the manure pile. At the tender age of 70 Buzz was drafted by the United States Gnome Air Force. While in the USGAF, he excelled at every job he held whether it be bootlicker, mechanic or Ace Pilot. No standing out in gardens for Buzz!

With little research, we have discovered that Garden Fairies tremble at the thought of engaging in aerial combat with Buzz. To date no Garden Fairy has lived to best him. Even the kamikaze fireflies are no match for Buzz. Mosquito's are nothing to him.... just a splatter on his windscreen of his super duper stealth fighter jet. He is like the wind... graceful, quiet, deadly.... and gnomish.

This reporter's blood races merely standing next to this icon of Gnomehood.


  1. good to see the armed services represented at this stellar event!!

  2. LOVE the sun glasses! The glare from the ice can get to you out there on the Grizwald pond in Prembroke :)
